Surviving an Awkward Dinner Party

This post has nothing to do with the Bay Area, but rather it is inspired by my SECOND awkward dinner party within one week! I ended up having a blast at both so here are some of the tips that I have to offer…

1) Take note of any interests that the people around you may have. Maybe they are wearing a Giants hat or a Hawaiian shirt. Make a comment about it to get the conversation going. Just be careful not to overcommit or pretend you are knowledgable about subjects you are not.

2) Right when you arrive, plant the seed that you may need to leave early…just don’t make up an outright lie and make sure you don’t make your early departure inevitable because you might actually want to stay once you get comfortable.

3) Talk to them about their children or pets (if they have any). People LOVE to talk about their kids and/or pets and it will take the pressure off you to keep the conversation going.

4) Be comfortable with the fact that you aren’t having a blast. It is okay, it won’t last forever. Besides, if you relax a little you might have some fun.

5) Help out in the kitchen or doing the dishes. I use this one all the time and it works like a charm. You don’t have to talk to people as much but everyone loves you because you helped out!

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